ADAM D3V Desktop Monitoring System

Pre Order EAN: 4260113135242

Price: 270,50€ + VAT
Price (VAT included): 330,01€

Model: [AMD3V]
Manutacturer: Adam Audio

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The ADAM D3V  is a fully active desktop monitoring studio system that stays true to ADAM Audio’s industrial design heritage and features the iconic AMT tweeters. Each pair features 3.5” aluminum woofers and a ferrite magnet system, driven by an astonishing 240 W total system amplification. Dual-sided 3.5” passive radiators bolster bass frequencies and allow the D3V to extend down to 45 Hz.

Equipped with a USB-C input and two balanced TRS sockets, D3V offers high-quality digital and analogue connections. Streamlined controls include a multi-function volume knob, intuitive room compensation switches and a multi-color status indicator. The D3V comes complete with detachable monitor stands as well as in-built threaded mic stand mounting points (3/8″) for perfect positioning in any environment.

Available in black or white editions, the D3V’s finish can be chosen to match your taste and compliment your environment.
  • Handmade Precision D-ART Tweeters
  • 3.5'' Aluminum Woofers plus dual-sided 3.5" passive radiators
  • Total Peak Amp. Power: 240 W
  • Frequency Response @ -6 dB: 45 Hz – 23.2 kHz
  • Max. SPL per speaker at 1 m (Peak): 97 dB SPL

For more information, please visit this products webpage.

Via Ildebrando Vivanti 89
00144 Roma Italia
+39 06 4543 5090
+39 335 844 5637

Cap.Soc. € 10.200,00 i.v.
P. IVA 01152891006
C.F. e Registro Imprese Roma n. 03041430582 C.C.I.A.A.
R.E.A. Roma n. 424496

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