AMBIENT ACN-CL The Lockit Time Code Generator

Available EAN: 4251441805464

Price: 520,00€ + VAT
Price (VAT included): 634,40€

Model: [AMACNCL]
Manutacturer: Ambient

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Rated 4.5/5 (4 Reviews)

Being a Lockit at its core, the Ambient ACN-CL carries the DNA of its predecessors and inherits all the unique and appreciated features, combined with the unprecedented ease of use that has been first introduced with the NanoLockit.

Since its first appearance in 1993 the ACL “Lockit” has become synonymous for reliable on-set synchronization.

Over time it was updated with a host of features we now take for granted from HD sync to metadata. Two AAs soon replaced the 9V battery, flying leads changed to fixed sockets, the BNC timecode output was sacrificed in favor of a second Lemo sporting TC I/O and a serial metadata port, a display-guided menu thrown in and, of course, we introduced the ACN, a powerful wireless timecode and metadata network.

Despite all these changes and a massive increase of processing power, we were able to maintain its iconic form over all those years. But now it’s time for our old buddy to step aside for the next generation.

Just like the NanoLockit, jamming units to time of day with the internal Real Time Clock is a one button experience, but with the additional perk of a crisp OLED display. Lockit can also operate as master by automatically jamming units that are added or restarted during the day.
The OLED also brings the useful timecode compare tool introduced with firmware 6.0 so it is easy to determine if other equipment is still in sync – with an accuracy of 1/100 of a frame.

While our smaller units were always marked by a prefix such as Tiny or Nano, the ACN-CL proudly carries the name “Lockit” and it wouldn’t do so without supplying both timecode and sync signals.

Designed for today’s equipment it supports 1080P and 1080i genlock for project rates 23.976 to 60 FPS while audio recorders are covered with wordclock up to 192 KHz.

Dual Lemo output connections provides maximum flexibility and continued use of available cables. TC in and out follow industry standard and allow for syncing of 2 cameras in parallel or jamming via a cable while leaving the synced unit connected.
The primary output carries timecode and genlock/wordclock. This gives you the freedom to choose running it either on straight, Y-split cable or 2 separate leads using the second connector for timecode which also connects to devices that support ACN for metadata transfer.

External power and charging are available through a common USB-C port. Connected to a Mac or PC the Lockit transforms into a MIDI timecode interface without additional configuration and allows for deep level editing of the settings.
Not just for the bling the sync LED is now full RGB so we have another color for status indication and party mode. We fit all of this and more in a compact solid aluminum case that makes the ACN-TL TinyLockit and even ALL601 LancLogger look large by comparison.

The old Lockit is dead, long live the Lockit!
Included accessories
  • 1 NP-50 compatibly Li-Ion battery
  • 1 USB-C to USB-A cable
  • 2 pcs double lock
  • Handbook

For more information, please visit this products webpage.

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+39 06 4543 5090
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