Bubblebee The Windbubble, single


24,00€ + VAT
Price: 12,00€ + VAT
Price (VAT included): 14,64€

Model: [BUBWU1S]
Manutacturer: Bubblebee

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Rated 4.75/5 (4 Reviews)

Bubblebee The Windbubble 
The best wind protection you can get for you lavalier mic.
Whatever the make, shape or size of it, there is a furry Windbubble waiting to keep the wind out and the clean, clear sound frequencies in.

The Windbubble's secret lies in its clever design and high quality materials. It creates a bubble of dead air around the microphone capsule and slows down the ambient wind by using the highest quality Bubblebee fur, preventing unwanted noise in your recordings and protecting your mic while at it.
There are four sizes and six different colours available.

Available in 4 sizes:

LAV Size 1; elastic opening: 28 mm (1.10”)
Built for microphones with a diameter of 3,0-4,0 mm:
DPA 6060
Sanken COS-11 (without metal windscreen)
Countryman B6, B2D & E6
Sennheiser MKE 1

LAV Size 2; elastic opening: 35 mm (1.38”)
Built for microphones with a diameter of 5,0-8,0 mm:
Sanken COS-11 (with metal windscreen)
Countryman B3
DPA 4060 (without metal windscreen)
Sennheiser MKE 2 

LAV Size 3; elastic opening: 40 mm (1.57”)
Built for microphones with a diameter of 5,0-9,0 mm:
Sanken COS-11 (with metal windscreen)
Countryman EMW
DPA 4060 
Sennheiser MKE 2 (without MZW 2 windshield)

LAV Size 4; elastic opening: 42 mm (1.65”)
Built for microphones with a diameter of 8,0-13,0 mm:
Sanken COS-11 (with large metal windscreen)
Countryman EMW
DPA 4071 (with metal windscreen)
Sennheiser ME 4, ME 102 & ME 104 (with metal MZW 2 windshield)

Via Ildebrando Vivanti 89
00144 Roma Italia
+39 06 4543 5090
+39 335 844 5637
E-Mail: sales@nagrit.com

Cap.Soc. € 10.200,00 i.v.
P. IVA 01152891006
C.F. e Registro Imprese Roma n. 03041430582 C.C.I.A.A.
R.E.A. Roma n. 424496

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