Hawk-Woods DV-SQN4S Mini DV Power Adaptor - Hirose 4x outs + cable


Price: 152,00€ + VAT
Price (VAT included): 185,44€

Model: [HWDVSQN4S]
Manutacturer: HAWK-WOODS

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Rated 5/5 (2 Reviews)

The DV-SQN4S has been designed to run directly from Hawk-Woods DV-F or Sony NPF series of batteries DV-F970 / DV-F980. The output is directly from the battery on the flying lead (60CM), set in series. So the flying lead will be up at 14v. You will need two batteries on this unit in order to take power out.

The 4x Hirose chassis mount connectors are all regulated to 12v outputs and are switched in pairs.

Model: DV-SQN4S
Type: Mini DV
Weight: 145g
Size: 5.9 x 8.3 x 4.2 cm
Number of Hirose 4P: 4

For more information, please visit this products webpage.

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