MAX CASES 505H280C Case, foams, internal dim. 50 x 35 x 28 cm


Price: 133,00€ + VAT
Price (VAT included): 162,26€

Model: [M505H280C]
Manutacturer: MAX CASES

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Rated 4.5/5 (4 Reviews)

Mod. 505H280 (same dimensions as model 505, but a height H of 28 cm instead of 19 cm)
Internal size : 500 x 350 x H 280 (58+222) mm 19.69 x 13.78 x H 11 inch
External size : 555 x 428 x H306 mm 21.85 x 16.85 x H 12.04 inch
Color: Black
Weight: 5,1 Kg

Hermetic seal. Automatic pressurization valve. Double step safety lock for easy opening. Soft handle produced with a special compound to improve grip and comfort. Double padlock predisposition. Stacking system. Trolley made of high resistance material, optional. Very thick walls to guarantee impact resistance. Fixing points for various applications. Zipper along the entire profile of the suitcase. Nylon pins no corrosion problems. Predisposition for resin label.

Via Ildebrando Vivanti 89
00144 Roma Italia
+39 06 4543 5090
+39 335 844 5637

Cap.Soc. € 10.200,00 i.v.
P. IVA 01152891006
C.F. e Registro Imprese Roma n. 03041430582 C.C.I.A.A.
R.E.A. Roma n. 424496

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