Sound Devices 833 plus SL-2 Bundle with accessories

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Price: 8.390,00€ + VAT
Price (VAT included): 10.235,80€

Model: [SD833SL2BU]
Manutacturer: Sound Devices

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Rated 5/5 (1 Review)

Bundle including:
Sound Devices 833 Recorder/Mixer 6 preamplificatori mic / line, 8 canali, 12 tracce, 6 uscite analogiche e timecode ultra accurato
Sound Devices SL-2 Modulo per 2 Ricevitori SuperSlot
Orca OR-330 Borsa per 833

Orca OR-40 Imbracatura
Betso Bowtie Antenna "a farfalla" (2x)
Patona NP-F750 Batteria 7,2V 4400mAh (2x)
SanDisk SDHC 64GB Extreme Pro 200MB/s

The Sound Devices 833 is the professional’s tool for mobile and small productions. Like the popular Sound Devices 633, the 833 is small, lightweight, and compact. A tactile interface with dedicated faders, trim knobs, and PFL switches makes this mixer-recorder ideal for run-and-gun bag use.
The 833 has 6 mic/line preamplifiers, 8 channels, 12 tracks, 6 analog outputs, and ultra-accurate timecode. Many features have carried over from the premium Sound Devices’ Scorpio, such as Sound Devices’ new preamplifier design, 2 SD card slots, dual L-Mount battery charging and powering, and an internal 256 GB SSD.


  • Dimensions : 5.1 cm x 22 cm x 17 cm
  • 6 ultra low-noise, all-new microphone preamplifiers
  • 8 channels, 6 buses, 12 tracks
  • 6 analog outputs
  • Ultra-accurate timecode
  • 256 GB internal SSD, 2 SD card slots
  • USB-A and C ports for SD-Remote app, linear fader control via MCU, keyboard, and file transfer
  • Dugan Automixing for up to 8 channels
  • Optional NoiseAssist and CEDAR sdnx noise suppression plugins
The SL-2 Dual SuperSlot Wireless Module is the first model of a new range of SuperSlot™-based accessories which bring integrated multichannel wireless to the 8-Series mixer-recorders. The SL-2 is a two slot-in wireless receiver integration system that easily mounts to the top panel of any 8-Series mixer-recorder. It accepts UniSlot and SuperSlot™ wireless receivers from a variety of manufacturers. Power to the SL-2 and receivers is supplied by the 8-Series mixer-recorder – no external DC connector is needed on the SL-2. Analog or digital audio is sent from the receivers into the mixer-recorder via the expansion port, reducing messy cabling for power and audio connectivity. The SL-2 offers antenna distribution to slot-in receivers, spreading out the placement of antennas for better RF performance. The rear panel of the SL-2 is equipped with two TA3 connectors for an additional four inputs of AES3 audio.
  • Compatible with the 833, 888, and the Scorpio.
  • Accepts two UniSlot or SuperSlot wireless receivers from Audio Ltd, Lectrosonics, Sennheiser, Sony, Shure and Wisycom.  
  • Built-in antenna distribution with antenna powering for active antennas or boosters.
  • Supports remote control of third party smart antennas.
  • Two auxiliary MCX antenna ports for connecting other receivers or RF distribution.
  • Two TA3 AES3 inputs for an additional 4 channels of digital audio.
  • Two DC Outputs via Hirose 4-pin connectors, each supplying up to 500 mA.
  • Powers via an 8-Series mixer-recorder.
  • Accepts either analog or digital audio from slot-in receivers.
  • Ability to set and monitor multiple functions of a SuperSlot-compatible receiver from the 8-Series mixer-recorder. Power on/off
  • Set frequency 
  • RF Scan with visual representation of the RF spectrum
  • Monitor transmitter battery, receiver audio, and RF levels
  • Rugged, lightweight, and compact design.
  • Mounts to the top of any 8-Series mixer-recorder. 
  • Same width as the 833  dim.  4.5 cm x 21.3 cm x 13.1 cm

For more information, please visit this products webpage.

Via Ildebrando Vivanti 89
00144 Roma Italia
+39 06 4543 5090
+39 335 844 5637

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