ZAXCOM NOVA2 Registratore audio 16 tracce


Prezzo: 6.630,00€ + IVA
Prezzo (IVA inclusa): 8.088,60€

Modello: [ZXNOVA2]
Produttore: ZAXCOM


Votazione 5/5 (3 Recensioni)

ZAXCOM Nova 2 è una versione aggiornata della nostra soluzione audio completa Nova. Nova 2 è un mixer, un registratore, un telecomando ZaxNet e dispone di due slot per ricevitori wireless integrati, il tutto in un unico dispositivo compatto e leggero.
Completamente caricato con 2 ricevitori slot-in, Nova 2 può ricevere fino a 8 segnali del trasmettitore, pesa meno di 1,8 Kg ed è il pacchetto audio portatile più piccolo, ordinato e completo oggi sul mercato.
Un Nova 2 a pieno carico offre caratteristiche e prestazioni sonore senza pari in un pacchetto leader del settore che pesa solo 1.6 Kg (3 libbre e 8 once).
Nova è dotato di filtraggio, distribuzione, amplificazione, misurazione e controllo remoto ZaxNet RF integrati. I ricevitori slot-in aumentano l'affidabilità poiché non c'è quasi nessun cablaggio esterno: è possibile integrare un kit Nova nella borsa audio più piccola e leggera.



Il Nova 2 dispone di 16 ingressi digitali che possono essere utilizzati con o senza i ricevitori interni.
È possibile utilizzare 16 ingressi digitali AES esterni (8 coppie) o 8 ingressi digitali AES esterni (4 coppie) e gli 8 ingressi AES interni tramite gli slot del ricevitore integrati.
Quando si utilizzano i ricevitori interni, è possibile emetterli come uscite dirette AES dal Nova 2.
Gli ingressi di conversione della frequenza di campionamento AES esterno possono essere utilizzati per collegare 2 microfoni AES42 o per collegarsi a qualsiasi ricevitore wireless esterno.


L'interfaccia grafica di Nova 2 è intuitiva e semplice. Tutti i pulsanti e le manopole sono distanziati in modo ergonomico per evitare imbarazzanti urti o scatti accidentali. Lo schermo LCD abbinato a 6 pulsanti dinamici offre una facile navigazione nel menu che può essere azionato anche indossando i guanti, offrendo la stessa flessibilità di un touch screen.


Quando un fader non è solo un fader...? Quando si tratta di un encoder all'infinito! Un encoder all'infinito è una manopola del fader che gira continuamente senza punti finali. Sembra che ci siano solo cinque fader su Nova, ma ognuno di questi cinque fader ha tre funzioni e può essere su uno qualsiasi dei cinque banchi, quindi in realtà hai 75 funzioni accessibili con la semplice pressione di un pulsante. Le tre funzioni sono: livelli di fader, trim di ingresso e guadagno Zaxnet. Un anello brevettato di LED colorati intorno all'esterno di ogni fader mostra la sua "posizione" e il livello audio, e il colore mostra su quale banco si trova.


Nova 2 can record up to 16 channels of audio with 24-bit depth. Sample rates include 44.1, 47.952, 48, and 48.048. Audio can be recorded individually or simultaneously on two Compact Flash Cards. Primary card files are recorded as MARF II, a lossless fault tolerant recording format, and mirror card files can be recorded as Broadcast Wave files (BWF).


The Nova 2 Automixer can mix up to 18 inputs for you automatically. The automixer is based on industry-standard algorithms and improves on other devices by including a downward expander on each input to minimize the noise contribution from inactive channels. The result is a clean mix with a constant noise floor. The Nova automixer can be your invisible friend when things get a bit “unscripty”.


Each NeverClip™ analog input has a dual A-D converter to increase the dynamic range recorded on Nova 2 to 140dB. With NeverClip™, there’s no compressor, limiter or bad gain staging distortion. This is because the 24 bit ISO files are recorded with an extra 24 dB of headroom to accommodate the enhanced dynamic range.


There are two receiver slots for optional module receivers – MRX414, MRX214 or QRX212. When installed, all connections are made internally. Each MRX414 receiver module can receive audio from up to 4 separate transmitters. The MRX214 and QRX212 can receive audio from up to 2 separate transmitters in mono or stereo mode for up to 4 channels of wireless audio. These module receivers are the same ones used with the RX-12 and RX-12R and are interchangeable back and forth with the Nova.


Receiver Module Single Mode (True Diversity) Dual Mode (Antenna Diversity)
MRX414 4 Mono or 2 Stereo Transmitters Received 8 Mono or 4 Stereo Transmitters Received
MRX214 2 Mono or 1 Stereo Transmitter Received 4 Mono or 2 Stereo Transmitters Received
QRX212 1 Mono or Stereo Transmitter Received 2 Mono or Stereo Transmitters Received

The MRX414, MRX214, and QRX212 modules are hot-swappable and can be added or removed in any combination at any time. With 2 x MRX414 receiver modules the Nova 2 is capable of receiving up to 8 separate transmitters.


Nova 2 has an automatic tracking front-end filter and RF distribution (a built-in MicPlexer) so you can receive on any frequency in any block from 20 through 26 (512-698MHz) with impressive range. Here’s how that works – the filter allows signals within the 35 MHz tunable window into the receiver while blocking the interfering high-level signals outside this window. The nerds call this desensing. We let the good stuff in (your radio mic transmitters) and we keep the bad stuff out (walkie-talkies, the follow focus, etc.). Think of it like the bouncer outside a nightclub.


The module receivers are fully integrated into the Nova 2. When a frequency is changed, both the receiver channel and the transmitters on the talent are changed at the same time. When frequency scans are initiated, all transmitters on talent are put in non-transmission mode so an accurate scan can be done. Once the scan is complete all transmitters and receivers can be assigned to clean frequencies instantly with the touch of a single button.


When used with Zaxcom digital recording wireless transmitters, the wireless functions as a virtual multitrack recording system using our audition and re-record function. You can re-play, re-mix and re-record a take on Nova using audio played back from the digital recording wireless transmitters’ internal memory cards. Transmitter memory cards never need to be removed in order to recover lost audio.


ZaxNet remote control gives the ability to adjust transmitter settings remotely from the Nova, so you never need to disturb talent. Settings include frequency, preamp gain, output power, and transport controls (play, record and stop) on Zaxcom digital recording wireless transmitters.

The timecode is wirelessly jammed to every transmitter via ZaxNet. The transmitter’s timecode is always perfectly in sync with sub-frame accuracy. Any change to the master timecode is always instantly reflected in each digital recording wireless transmitter.


Nova 2 uses two power inputs for redundant operation. The Nova will run from 8V-18VDC and draws only 1.1 Amps with 8 channels of internal receiver. The reason Nova’s primary card records in our proprietary MARF (Mobile Audio Recording Format) file system is that it tolerates intermittent power without file corruption so only a single power source is required.


The Nova 2 has been designed to make basic repairs field serviceable. In Nova 2, both the memory card interface and the IFB transmitter are plug-in modules. In past recorders, the most common faults we’ve seen in the shop were bent CF connection pins and damaged IFB antenna connections. In Nova all you need to perform a repair is a screwdriver.


  • Analog In
    • Inputs4 Mic/line-level with 48V phantom power and 2 line-level
    • Connector4 x XLR-3F
    • Mic level input range-56 to -26 dBu
    • Line level input range-10 to +8 dB
    • Distortion0.0015%
    • ADC bit-depth24 bits
    • Dual ADC input dynamic range140 dB with NeverClip™
    • Clipping level+28 dBu
    • Frequency response28 Hz to 22 kHz (48 kHz sampling-rate)
    • THD + noise0.0015%
  • Analog Out
    • 4 Balanced TA5 (6 bus) – 0dBu, -10dBu and -35dBu
    • Headphone1/4 inch stereo bus
    • Output level0 dBu @ -20 dBFS
    • Output Clipping level+20 dBu
    • DAC Bit-depth24 Bits
    • DAC Dynamic Range115dB
    • Impedance30 ohm
  • Digital In / Out
    • AES / AES42 In4 Pair (8 Channels)
    • AES Out4 Pair (8 Busses)
    • ConnectorDB-15 mini (DE-15)
    • AES Sample rate conversion32-192 kHz
  • Receiver AES I/O
    • Additional Inputs when not using slot-in Receivers4 Pair (8 Channels)
    • Digital Direct Out from slot-in Receivers4 Pair (8 channels)
    • ConnectorDB-15 mini (DE15)
    • AES output sample rate32KHz
    • AES input sample rate conversion32-192 kHz
  • ZaxNet RF Interface
    • 2.4 Ghz Transmitter50mW output power
    • Frequency Range2.403 to 2.475 GHz
    • Modulation TypeSpread Spectrum
    • Bandwidth1MHz
    • ConnectorSMA female
  • Receiver
    • Receiver module slots2
    • RF Connectors2 SMA
    • RF Impedance50 ohm
    • RF Amp Noise Figure.5 dB
    • RF Amp IP3+30 dB input
    • RF Filter Band Pass35 MHz
    • RF Tuning Range512 – 698 MHz
  • MRX414 Module
    • Receivers Per Module4
    • Receiver ModulationZaxcom Proprietary Digital
    • Tuning Range512 – 698 MHz (Must choose band – L, M or H)
    • Power Consumption300 mA @ 13 VDC
    • Size5" x 3" x .8" (L x W x H)
    • Weight7oz
    • Receivers Per Module2
    • Receiver ModulationZaxcom Proprietary Digital
    • Tuning Range512 – 698 MHz (Must choose band – L, M or H)
    • Power Consumption160 mA @ 13 VDC
    • Size5" x 3" x .8" (L x W x H)
    • Weight7oz
  • QRX212 Module
    • Receivers Channels Per Module2
    • Receiver ModulationZaxcom Proprietary Digital
    • Tuning Range512 – 698 MHz
    • Power Consumption200 ma @ 12 VDC
    • Size5" x 3" x .8" (L x W x H)
  • Recording
    • Track count16
    • Bit-depth24 bits
    • Sample rates (kHz)44.1, 47.952, 48, 48.048, 96,192
    • (192 4-track maximum)
    • Head room20 to 44 dB
    • FormatMARF II, .BWF
    • Max Pre-record duration10 seconds
  • Data Storage
    • InternalDual Compact Flash
    • Mixer Type32 bit floating point DSP
    • A-D / D-A resolution24 bit
  • Effects
    • Delay0 to 60 mS in .1mS steps
    • Notch filter2 band, 20 Hz to 20 kHz frequency range adjustable
    • Compressor typesoft knee with side chain
    • High Pass Filter20 Hz to 230 Hz
  • Timecode Reader/Generator
    • Timecode typeSMPTE
    • ConnectorBNC
    • Input Voltage1-4VPP
    • Output Voltage2VPP
    • Clock Accuracy1.54 PPM
    • Timecode Frame-rates23.98, 24, 25, 29.97NDF, 29.97DF, 30NDF, 30DF
  • Power
    • External8 to 18 VDC
    • External Power8 to 18 VDC (12V @ 1 Amp w/8 channels of receivers)
    • Power ConnecterHirose
    • Battery MeterYes, on LCD display
  • Physical
    • Size(H x W x D) 2.0″ x 8.25″ x 6.0″
    • Weight2 lbs. 9 oz without modules / 3 lbs. 7 oz loaded with 2 x modules
  • Misc.
    • Tone Level Selectable-12 to -20 dB FS
    • DisplayFull color sunlight readable LCD
    • MetersOutput / Input / Card
    • Slate MicInternal / External

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Via Ildebrando Vivanti 89
00144 Roma Italia
+39 06 4543 5090
+39 335 844 5637

Cap.Soc. € 10.200,00 i.v.
P. IVA 01152891006
C.F. e Registro Imprese Roma n. 03041430582 C.C.I.A.A.
R.E.A. Roma n. 424496

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